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Displaying 41 - 60 of 158 items

Antonie Pffuf

The IPU was born 134 years ago this week. Discover our history in 134 seconds

On 30 June 1889, visionary parliamentarians Frédéric Passy of France and William Randall Cremer of the United Kingdom brought together MPs from Belgium, Denmark, France, Hungary, Italy, Liberia, Spain, the United Kingdom and the USA in the first inter-parliamentary meeting
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Perpetua Sappa Konman

A conversation with... Perpetua Konman, the Federated States of Micronesia

As part of the IPU series called 'A conversation with...', we interview parliamentarians from all over the world to find out who they represent and what motivates them. In this edition, we discover Senator Perpetua Sappa Konman, a parliamentarian from
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Sen. Brian Francis

A conversation with... Brian Francis, Canada

As part of the IPU series called 'A conversation with...', we interview parliamentarians from all over the world to find out who they represent and what motivates them. In this edition, we discover Brian Francis, a parliamentarian from Canada. The
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Urging Parliamentary Action on Adolescent Well-Being

Urging Parliamentary Action on Adolescent Well-Being through an IPU Resolution Earlier this year, the IPU held its 146th Assembly in Bahrain. The IPU Forum of Young Parliamentarians met to take stock of developments in global and national youth participation in
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Sana Jamali

A Conversation with... Sana Jamali, Pakistan

As part of the IPU series called 'A conversation with...', we interview parliamentarians from all over the world to find out who they represent and what motivates them. In this edition, we discover Sana Jamali, a parliamentarian from Pakistan. The
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Victor Sanchez del Real

A conversation with... Victor Sánchez del Real, Spain

As part of the IPU series 'A conversation with...', we interview parliamentarians from all over the world to find out who they represent and what motivates them. In this edition, we discover Victor Sánchez del Real, a parliamentarian from Spain
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Lanein Blanchette

A conversation with...Lanein Blanchette, Speaker, Saint Kitts and Nevis

As part of the IPU series 'A conversation with...', we interview parliamentarians from all over the world to find out who they represent and what motivates them. In this edition, we discover Lanein Blanchette, Speaker of the National Assembly of
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Gillian Triggs

A conversation with...Gillian Triggs, Assistant High Commissioner for Protection (UNHCR)

In this edition of 'A conversation with...', we interview Gillian Triggs, Assistant Secretary-General and Assistant High Commissioner for Protection at the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). She describes the challenges faced by refugees and what role
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Dr. Win Myat Aye

A conversation with...Dr. Win Myat Aye, Myanmar

As part of the IPU series called 'A conversation with...', we interview parliamentarians from all over the world to find out who they represent and what motivates them. In this edition, Dr. Win Myat Aye describes the current situation in
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Sahar Albazar

A conversation with...Sahar Albazar, Egypt

As part of the IPU series called 'A conversation with...', we interview parliamentarians from all over the world to find out who they represent and what motivates them. In this edition, we discover Sahar Albazar, a parliamentarian from Egypt and
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How the Mexican Parliament is addressing climate change

Javier Joaquín López Casarín, MP, shares with the IPU the progress the Mexican Chamber of Deputies has made in the face of the climate emergency. The views and opinions expressed by parliamentarians on IPU platforms are their own and do
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How the Seychelles transformed its approach to sustainability

This blog post was created by the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) following a presentation by Hon. Regina Esparon, an MP from the National Assembly of Seychelles. Climate hypocrisy is a common criticism levelled at governments and politicians in the media
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power plant

It is time to phase out fossil fuels

We call on world leaders to come together and commit to start phasing out fossil fuels immediately. Opinion piece by Saber Chowdhury, Honorary IPU President, MP, Bangladesh Ed Markey, Senator, US Congress On March 20, the United Nations’ top experts
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Ousmane Bogouma

A conversation with...Dr. Ousmane Bougouma

As part of the IPU series called 'A conversation with...', we interview parliamentarians from all over the world to find out who they represent and what motivates them. In this edition, we discover Dr. Ousmane Bougouma, the Speaker of the
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2022: a new breath of life at the IPU

End of year message from IPU leadership 2022 saw the first year of the implementation of our new 5-year strategy. The Strategy gives us a renewed mandate to continue strengthening and connecting parliaments for peace, democracy and sustainable development. Climate
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The year that was 2022

2022 marked the first year of the IPU's new five-year strategy in which climate action took centre stage. The year was also marked by the resurgence of IPU parliamentary diplomacy with a view to finding a peaceful resolution to the
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Five days of an IPU Assembly in 5 minutes: Watch the highlights of #IPU145

The 145th IPU Assembly took place in Kigali, Rwanda from 11-15 October in partnership with the Parliament of Rwanda. Some 1000 delegates, of whom close to 600 were MPs, attended, representing 120 countries. What were the takeaways? What were the
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Rwanda parliament

How did Rwanda become no.1 for gender equality?

n 2008, the Rwanda Chamber of Deputies was the first elected national parliament where women were the majority. The proportion of MPs who are women is at 61.25% today, way above the current global average of 26.4%. Rwanda has been
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gender equality

What is a gender-sensitive parliament?

What are the criteria that make a parliament gender-sensitive? Which parliaments are more gender-sensitive than others? How can your parliament become more gender-sensitive? Answers in this short video.
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Jack McConnell

A conversation with...Lord Jack McConnell, UK

As part of the IPU series called 'A conversation with...', we interview parliamentarians from all over the world to find out who they represent and what motivates them. In this edition, we discover Lord Jack McConnell, a parliamentarian from the
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