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IPU helps the National Assembly of Djibouti design a strategic plan

The National Assembly of Djibouti and the IPU are running a series of workshops to help parliamentarians and staff draw up a strategic plan. The first workshop took place from 12 to 14 December 2017 and saw MPs carry out self-assessment activities, based on the IPU’s three toolkits on democratic parliaments, gender sensitivity and engagement with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It also introduced the staff to the scope, importance and methodology for a strategic plan and how to implement it through the day-to-day work of the National Assembly.

The design of a strategic plan was a key recommendation of the IPU's January 2017 mission to assess the needs of the National Assembly. The IPU’s support is based on the Common Principles for Support to Parliaments, endorsed by the National Assembly of Djibouti in April 2015. In line with these Principles, the strategic planning process will help the National Assembly identify its strengths and weaknesses and ensure it defines its own course of development.

Two more workshops will be held in 2018 for parliamentary staff and for MPs of the new National Assembly after elections in February 2018.