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Consultancy to support parliamentary engagement in the UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC 5)

The IPU is the world organization of parliaments. It works to strengthen the legislative, oversight and representative role of parliaments in order to advance democracy, peace and sustainable development.

In 2010, the IPU mobilized a strong parliamentary contribution to the Fourth United Nations Conference on Least Developed Countries (LDC IV) including through a Parliamentary Forum held on the eve of the conference. The five-day conference, in May 2011, culminated with a new programme of action (PoA) that included important new language on the role of parliaments in implementation and follow up of agreed commitments, including with regard to governance, public finance, development cooperation and national budgets.

With the expiration of the 10-year Istanbul Programme of Action this year, the UN is poised to negotiate a new plan for the next decade which will be adopted at a Fifth Conference on the LDCs in Doha, Qatar, in January 2022.

The consultant will assist with IPU activities to mobilize parliamentary engagement in preparations for the LDC 5. He/she will lead the preparation of knowledge products, political statements and parliamentary meetings to provide a substantive parliamentary contribution to the Doha conference. 

Scope of Work

1.       Facilitating the participation and contribution of parliaments in the LDC 5 process:

a. Support the participation and contribution of MPs in the PrepCom for the negotiation of the Programme of Action that will take place in New York in late July 2021;

b. Define the main “asks” on behalf of the IPU in the negotiation for the new Programme of Action;

c. Take the lead in drafting the Parliamentary Message to LDC 5 in consultation with parliaments;

d. Help organize a one-day Parliamentary Forum at LDC 5 (22 January 2022), including drafting the agenda of the meeting; identifying panellists, preparing invitation letters, and assisting with all logistics.

2.       Conducting substantive research to highlight specific challenges for parliaments in the areas of governance and development cooperation:

a. Compile LDC specific data drawing from existing IPU resources, such as data on women MPs in LDC parliaments (comparing progress from 2011 to 2020).

b. Review national reports from LDCs into the preparatory process and prepare compendium of findings relating to parliaments

c. Support the engagement of a few LDC parliaments in national dialogues for development cooperation.

The following key deliverables are expected:

  • IPU statements to the July PrepCom and to the LDC 5 conference proper
  • Report on women in LDC parliaments (3-5 pages, comparing IPU data over ten years)
  • Report on the role of LDC parliaments in the implementation of the 2011 Istanbul Programme of Action (5-8 pages, drawing from national progress reports filed with the UN as well as IPU resources)
  • Parliamentary Statement to the LDC 5 (2 pages)


Corporate competences:

  • Demonstrates integrity by modelling the IPU’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of the IPU;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.

Functional competences:

  • Knowledge of the functioning of parliament and related categories;
  • Familiarity with the UN inter-governmental machinery
  • Awareness of alternative theories of development;
  • Knowledge of online communication, networking and collaboration tools;
  • Excellent analytical, communication and writing skills;
  • Ability to produce high quality outputs and in a timely manner;
  • Sound judgment, strategic thinking and the ability to manage priorities;
  • Strong interpersonal skills and ability to work under pressure and in a team.

Required Skills and Experience


Post-graduate degree in political economy, development studies, economics or political science.


  • At least 5 years of relevant work experience, including preferably some time working in a Least Developed Country;
  • Prior experience producing knowledge products and research papers for public consumption;
  • Experience in the organization of meetings;
  • Knowledge and understanding of parliaments and how they function;


Applicants must be fluent in English and with at least good working knowledge of French.

Conditions of work and compensation:

Most work can be done from home. Although proximity to UN headquarters in New York is an advantage, all applications from strong candidates based in other locations worldwide will be considered.

The consultant must be available and visa-eligible for travel to Qatar for a minimum of one week in January 2022.

The consultant will receive a daily fee of $400 for a total of 105 days of work spread over seven months (15 days of work per month). All required travel will be covered directly by the IPU.

Comment appliquer

Interested applicants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications.

Applications may be submitted in English.

  • CV and a Personal History Form
  • Letter of interest outlining why you would be the most suitable candidate for the assignment.
  • A two-page brief responding to the question: What explains the LDCs’ slow progress toward human development?

Applications should be received on or before 7 June 2021.

Applications should be sent with subject ‘LDC 5 consultancy’ and addressed to the:

Inter-Parliamentary Union
5, chemin du Pommier
Case postale 330
CH-1218 Le Grand-Saconnex, Switzerland
Tel: 41 22 919 4150
Fax: 41 22 919 4160
E-mail: [email protected]


Date limite: