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Contracted service

English Report Writer

The Inter-Parliamentary Union is looking for a professional report writer to produce the summary of its annual Parliamentary Hearing at the United Nations Headquarters in New York and possibly other meetings.

The hearing is a major international event that takes place over two days, usually in February. Jointly organized by the IPU New York office in cooperation with the Office of the President of the General Assembly, it consists of a number of sessions featuring panel presentations or interviews followed by questions/ comments from participants. Topics range from democracy, to peace and security, development and human rights.


The report writer is expected to attend the two-day event (a total of approximately 12 hours of debate, divided in 4-6 sessions) and take notes of the proceedings.

Depending on the subject matter and number of participants, the summary report of the Hearing may go from a minimum of 8 pages to a maximum of 12 pages. The report is expected to capture the main narrative of the debate, avoiding attribution to specific speakers (save for some quotes that may serve as highlights) and concluding with key recommendations or other “takeaways” from the meeting.

A first draft of the report must be produced within one week of the meeting. A second and final draft, reflecting comments received from IPU and UN staff, must be produced within the following two weeks.

Examples of summary reports from past hearings can be found here.


Interested applicants must meet the following requirements:

- A minimum of three years of experience writing reports for high level meetings of a political nature in either national or international settings, such as the UN

- Three samples of work, in English, showing ability to work with disparate topics

- A university degree in the humanities, economics or legal field (graduate degree preferable but not indispensable)

- Two professional references

Comment appliquer

Interested applicants must submit a short cover letter indicating the fee expected for the job including number of days of work, daily rate and any other costs as applicable, a CV, and the required work samples and references.

Should applicants be interested in writing summary reports of other meetings of the IPU that may be only one-day or half-day long, please indicate your interest. Please indicate your daily and half-day rate.

All documents must be sent to [email protected]  (subject line: report writer application) by 8 May 2022.

A short list of applicants will be interviewed in May. The top five candidates will be placed on a roster the IPU Observer Office at the UN will contact as needed.

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