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Project Officer– Public engagement

IPU and UNDP have published a third Global Parliamentary Report (GPR), that focuses on public engagement in the work of parliament. The report provides an analysis of the current status of public engagement, supported by good practice examples and case studies. It calls for an extensive review and renewal of the way in which parliaments engage with the people they represent. It sets out pathways for a future focus for engagement and makes a series of recommendations for parliaments. This report is intended as the starting point for a new focus on public engagement in IPU’s work to strengthen parliament and democracy.

IPU is looking to recruit a consultant to contribute to strengthening public engagement in the work of parliament. The consultant will work with parliaments and partner organizations to help to catalyse meaningful change in the ways in which parliaments engage the public in their work. The consultancy should help to generate and document examples of impact of the GPR’s findings and recommendations. It should also extend the knowledge base about how parliaments are putting public engagement into practice.

This work on public engagement is fully integrated with the IPU Strategy 2022-2026. It should advance IPU’s strategic objectives (in particular #1-3 on effective and empowered parliaments, inclusive and representative parliaments, and resilient and innovative parliaments) and contribute to the four policy areas outlined in the Strategy.

The consultant will also contribute to other activities related to the strategic objectives about parliament, including notably Indicators for democratic parliaments and future editions of the GPR.

In keeping with the principle of “leaving no-one behind” and the GPR recommendations about inclusiveness, the consultant will ensure that a gender perspective is mainstreamed through the IPU’s work on public engagement. Dedicated efforts will be made to be inclusive of all sectors of society, with a special focus on marginalized and vulnerable groups.

The work will be carried out under the supervision of IPU’s Programme manager, Parliamentary standards and knowledge, and in coordination with other programmes and Divisions within the IPU Secretariat.


  • Contribute to strategy documents, workplans, terms of reference and budgets for IPU’s work on public engagement
  • Support coordination mechanisms within the IPU Secretariat to ensure alignment with the IPU Strategy and a common sense of purpose and direction
  • Develop partnerships with parliaments and partner organizations
  • Organize events, campaigns and networks on public engagement in the work of parliament
  • Document, share and publish good practice examples
  • Provide support to capacity building initiatives in parliaments
  • Develop evaluation criteria and monitor progress, results achieved and lessons learned
  • Contribute to other activities related to the strategic objectives about parliament in the IPU Strategy 2022-2026, including notably Indicators for democratic parliaments and future editions of the GPR.
  • Contribute to other areas of IPU work, as required.

The work will involve close cooperation with a range of stakeholders, including:

  • UNDP (via the UNDP focal point and country and regional offices)
  • Programmes and Divisions in the IPU Secretariat (including IPU’s Centre for Innovation in Parliament and teams working on parliamentary indicators, capacity building, gender, youth, human rights, sustainable development, climate change, peace and security, communications, etc)
  • The International Parliament Engagement Network (IPEN)
  • Association of Secretaries General of Parliaments
  • Parliaments, including parliamentarians, Secretaries General and parliamentary staff
  • Organizations that provide support to parliaments, including WFD, NDI, InterPares, etc
  • Civil society organizations involved in public engagement in the work of parliament


High-level deliverables are set out below. Specific deliverables will be identified through the ongoing work-planning process. All deliverables are intended to contribute towards the overall objectives of helping to catalyse meaningful change in the ways in which parliaments engage the public in their work.

  1. Workplan for IPU’s work on public engagement in the work of parliament
  2. Good practice examples and practical guidance notes for parliaments
  3. Events (online and in-person, large scale or small-scale)
  4. Global network of people working on public engagement
  5. Written evaluation criteria, accompanied by reporting on results achieved and evidence of change
  6. Regular summary reports and progress updates


The External Collaborator shall be expected to complete up to 220 days of work per year (based on a 7.5 hour day).

The consultancy is initially for the period June 2022 to December 2022. During this period, the contract would be for up to 128 days of work.

Subject to performance and the availability of funds, the consultancy may be extended on an annual basis in 2023 and 2024.


The consultant(s) will work remotely. Occasional travel to Geneva or elsewhere may be required.


Candidates for the consultancy need to be able to demonstrate:

  • Advanced university degree in a relevant field, with 10 years’ experience in working for or with parliaments, at increasing levels of responsibility
  • Experience in public engagement in the work of parliament
  • Demonstrable results in supporting parliamentary reform
  • Experience in a relevant role in a parliament and/or organization that works closely with parliaments is highly desirable
  • Experience in mainstreaming a gender perspective
  • Excellent reading and writing skills in English. Ability to read and/or speak French and/or Spanish is highly desirable
  • Ability to work autonomously and as part of a team that spans different countries and organizations
  • Ability to demonstrate cultural sensitivity
  • Excellent time management and attention to detail
Comment appliquer

Candidates should provide the following:

  • Curriculum vitae
  • A brief description of why they are the right person for this consultancy
  • The consultant’s proposed daily rate for this work
  • Information about their availability to begin work

For further details, please contact Andy Richardson at the IPU Secretariat ([email protected]).

The deadline for applications is 18 June 2022. Applications should be sent by e-mail to [email protected] with “Project Officer – Public engagement” in the subject line.

Applicants will be contacted only if they are under serious consideration.

Applications received after the deadline will not be accepted.

Employment conditions

The External Collaborator is an independent contractor, is not considered to be an official or employee of the IPU and is not subject to the IPU Staff Regulations and Staff Rules. The External Collaborator is not entitled to recover from the IPU any income tax payable in respect of the fee provided under this contract and shall be solely liable for the payment of any national income tax due in respect of the emoluments payable under this contract. The External Collaborator will not be included in the IPU pension scheme.

Recruitment principles

Our guiding principle in selecting candidates is to secure the highest standards of efficiency, competence and integrity. We do not discriminate on any grounds and are committed to promoting diversity in our workforce. 

Particular attention is paid to candidates from developing countries and to achieving gender balance. We strive to provide an environment where the contribution of each individual is valued.

All our personnel are expected to possess the following qualities:

  • Motivation and a strong commitment to our principles
  • Ability to work well in a multicultural team
  • High level of technical knowledge relevant to the post
  • Work experience at national and/or international level

We ask all our staff to agree to our  Code of Conduct for personnel and our Fraud and Corruption Prevention and Control Policy.

The work of the IPU is based on the Common Principles for Support to Parliaments that describes a series of fundamental principles for the planning and implementation of programmes aimed to strengthen the capacity of parliaments. The Consultant will be expected to factor the Common principles into his/her tasks.

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