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Request for Proposals, Promotional video project Global Parliamentary Report launch

The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) is a unique organization made up of national parliaments from around the world.  We protect and build global democracy through political dialogue and concrete action.

The IPU is a vibrant and growing group. We currently have 173 Member Parliaments and 11 Associate Members. We work closely with the United Nations and other partner organizations whose goals we share. 

Today, we are the organization that most closely reflects world public opinion. More than 6.5 billion of the world’s 7 billion people live in states whose parliaments are members of the IPU — and it is their elected representatives who engage in and steer our policies. By bringing parliaments together, we bring people together. 

Promotional video

The IPU is launching this Request for Proposal (RfP) to produce a promotional 3 to 5 minute video to promote IPU’s flagship publication, The Global Parliamentary Report.

The theme of the report is parliament’s power to hold governments to account – parliamentary oversight. The report examines parliamentary capacity to pursue oversight and sketches out perspectives for the future. Oversight work is described in the report as the "scrutiny trail".

Target audience: parliamentarians, parliamentary staff, civil society, academics and government officials.

Concept: To use the notion of a "scrutiny trail" to highlight the meaning, impact and future of parliamentary oversight. The video should consist of a mix of animation and interview material that illustrates the parliamentary oversight process (the “scrutiny trail”) and outcomes.

Preliminary scenario: Proposed content includes:

• Interviews with MPs on how oversight makes a difference to people’s lives (makes government better; keeps ministers on their toes; improves policy and administration; checks that laws are implemented correctly and have the intended effects; make sure that public spending produces value for money; identifies problems and corrects them; prevents corruption)

• Animation: information on the challenges in carrying out oversight (prioritizing oversight in a busy agenda; low levels of public demand; relative power of parliament and government; different political incentives for members of government and opposition; asymmetrical access to information; limited capacity in parliament to support oversight)

• Video extracts of the different types of oversight activity (taking evidence in committee, questioning ministers in plenary, field visits to check things on the ground…

• Animation and interview: information on solutions (making oversight visible; independence of parliament (ex: control over budget, staff); human and financial resources (ex: research services); building strong information networks (ex: in civil society) power to force government to act; commitment from MPs; working across party lines)

• Interview: MPs speaking about the qualities required (courage; staying power; attention to detail; concern for the public good; desire to improve government)

• Animation: Results achieved (changes to policy; more funding for desirable public goods; fairer distribution of resources among social groups, or regions; less corruption)

Some 24 interviews with MPs, IPU Secretary General and IPU President were carried out in Dhaka, Bangladesh during IPU’s 136th Assembly as some of the source material for the video. Transcripts of the video interviews carried out in Dhaka, Bangladesh, will be provided to the selected company.

Expected deliverables

This RfP covers the following work:

3 to 5 minute video

Draft of a script for validation

  • Rework script based upon two rounds of validation
  • Prepare storyboard for the graphic elements in the video, allow for two rounds of validation
  • Edit of rough cuts of video with two rounds of validation of edited version
  • Provide a selection of appropriate music and voices for any voiceover, if required,
  • Record voices and sound edit entire video
  • English and French subtitling – translated text provided by the IPU
  • Delivery of high resolution version plus appropriate version for use on the web


The supplier should send the IPU the bid by 31 May 2017 at noon.

Deadline for delivery of final products is 1 October 2017 at noon.


Please provide 3 references from previous clients.