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Enhancing Results based management and building an M&E system


The Inter-Parliamentary Union is the world organization of Parliaments which currently brings together 178 parliaments. It works for a world where every voice counts and where democracy and parliaments deliver on the needs of the people.  A political organization by nature, the IPU also implements programmes to advance democracy though stronger parliaments.

Results based management was introduced at the IPU in parallel with the adoption of the 2012-2017 IPU Strategy on Better Parliaments, Stronger Democracies. Stronger planning, implementation and monitoring of projects, and feeding back learning, have proved useful for achieving and better assessing results. Parliaments are however unique and complex institutions because of their political nature.  Work in the area of parliamentary and democracy assistance requires regularly adapting or developing management approaches and tools that meet the specificities of such interventions.

Five years after the implementation of RBM, the IPU has engaged in a review of current practice, to take stock of the situation, identify strengths and weaknesses, with a view to enhance RBM and monitoring and evaluation within the organization and ensure that IPU processes are adaptive and encourage learning.


The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) is currently carrying out an internal exercise to enhance its results based management and monitor and evaluation processes and capacities.

The objective was identified as a key priority for 2018 by the IPU; it also builds on the results and recommendations of a 2017 external evaluation of IPU’s Gender Partnership and Technical Cooperation programmes. The review exercise is carried out under the supervision of the IPU Secretary General and senior management, led by the Division of Programmes and will involve all staff. 

Assignment and deliverables

The purpose of the consultancy is to assist IPU management and staff in their process, reasoning and efforts to review and enhance RBM and M&E at the IPU.

The work will be carried out in two phases:

Phase one: Enhancing the IPU’s Results framework process (May- July 2018)

The purpose of the consultancy is to assist IPU management and staff in their process, reasoning and efforts to review and enhance RBM, M&E and learning at the IPU.

The work will be carried out in two phases:

Phase one: Enhancing the IPU’s Results based management approach (Mid-May- July 2018)

The consultant shall support the IPU in reviewing the current results based management process, identifying weaknesses and solutions.

The phase will include a review of current practice, support to staff in assessing the current methods, tools and routines for RBM and assistance in designing methods, tools and routines that are adapted to the needs of the organization.

Phase two: Building an M&E system (July- November 2018)

The consultant shall assist the IPU in building its M &E capacity. This will require training to build a common understanding of M&E and will entail supporting staff in reviewing current practice, identifying gaps and priorities and required processes.


IPU has, with the support of the consultant, identified and/or developed methods, tools and routines for M&E adapted to IPU’s needs and the nature of parliamentary support work

Practical Issues

Work will be carried out at IPU headquarters in Geneva. The consultant(s) will develop a work plan and with assistance from the IPU organize meetings with the relevant stakeholders.

Required competence

Required competence for the Consultancy Services include:

  • At least fifteen years of professional development related work experience at the national and/or international level,
  • At least 10 years experience in results based management and monitoring and evaluation, including experience of innovative RBM approaches (e.g. methods that encourage learning and adaptive management, methods that have proven to be useful for M&E as relates to capacity building and advocacy work, methods that capture qualitative information, methods applicable for complex settings with high level of unpredictability,), ; experience in democracy related assistance is a strong asset;
  • Demonstrated experience of senior levels of programme analysis, monitoring and evaluation of complex level frameworks and/or strategic plans involving multiple stakeholders;
  • Strong experience in organizational reviews and evaluations with a focus on internal organization, programmes, project delivery and working methods, preferably in an international context.
  • Excellent technical skills in measurement and evaluation, including grasp of methodological and operational dimensions and the ability to link organizational and political level issues;
  • Previous work with organizations working with parliaments and in politics will be considered an asset.
  • Proficiency in English and French is required as official IPU documents will be in both languages.

Tender requirements

Tenders shall state:

  • Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability;
  • Brief description of why the individual considers him/herself as the most suitable for the assignment, and a methodology on how they will approach and complete the assignment.
  • Personal CV indicating all past experience from similar projects, as well as the contact details of the Applicant and at least three (3) professional references;
  • The total cost of the assignment, specified in the form of the daily fee, reimbursable costs, and any other costs.