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News in brief

How much do you know about parliaments?

In the lead-up to International Day of Parliamentarism on 30 June, test your knowledge of parliaments with this 60-second quiz.
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News in brief

The power of interfaith and intercultural dialogue: How parliaments are joining the conversation

With religious tensions and interfaith violence posing significant threats to peace and security today, parliaments as state institutions and parliamentarians as representatives of their communities are beginning to engage more with religions and beliefs. With this in mind, in its
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News in brief
Armenia and Azerbaijan talks

IPU hosts second round of bilateral talks between parliamentary leadership of Armenia and Azerbaijan

The IPU facilitated a second round of high-level parliamentary talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan today, offering its good offices to the delegations. IPU Secretary General Martin Chungong welcomed the Speaker of the Azgayin Zhoghov (National Assembly of Armenia), Mr. Alen
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News in brief

Autonomous weapons: IPU adds parliamentary weight to pressure for regulation

Earlier this year, the IPU addressed the urgent issue of international regulation for autonomous weapon systems (AWS) and artificial intelligence (AI), which could have deadly implications for political stability and human rights. Indeed, these emerging technologies have already been used
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News in brief
fishing tuvalu

Who started Earth Day and why?

Every year, people worldwide take a collective pause to recognize the importance of preserving and protecting our planet’s natural resources on Earth Day, marked on 22 April. Given the severity of the climate crisis, it’s becoming a more important landmark
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News in brief
iran women vote

In a super election year, will women come out on top?

Earlier this year, the IPU announced that around 70 elections were slated to take place in 2024, in what has been dubbed a super election year. In total, thousands of parliamentary seats are up for grabs. As of March 2024
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News in brief

Dangers of deepfakes for parliamentarians

In 2019, when Italy’s former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi made a bewildering appearance on a satirical news show, hurling insults at his political counterparts, threatening to leave and using inappropriate language, he caused a massive stir. However, soon after the
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News in brief
middle east questions

Meeting of the IPU Committee on Middle East Questions

The IPU Committee on Middle East Questions held an extraordinary virtual meeting on 5 February 2024, against the backdrop of the protracted conflict in Gaza. The meeting, chaired by the President of the Committee, Mr. Hubert Julien-Laferrière of France, brought
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News in brief
European elections

2024: A super election year?

According to the latest data compiled by the IPU on its data platform, Parline, 72 elections or renewals of parliamentary chambers will take place this year, compared to 65 last year. Among those, 55 parliamentary chambers will be directly elected
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News in brief

Gabon: Supporting efforts for a return to constitutional order

Martin Chungong, IPU Secretary General, has just concluded a mission to Gabon at the invitation of the President of the Transitional National Assembly, Jean-François Ndongou, to meet the authorities in charge of the country’s transition. The visit is part of
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News in brief

Parliaments and AI: Going beyond the buzz

Huge strides in artificial intelligence (AI) have dominated the headlines these past few months. But beyond the buzz, what are the risks but also the opportunities when it comes to democracy, human rights and the rule of law? Will AI
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News in brief
Tulia Ackson

Eliminating violence against women in African parliaments: Tulia Ackson opens her first event as IPU President

As part of her three-day visit to IPU Headquarters, newly elected IPU President Tulia Ackson spoke at a webinar on violence against women in African parliaments, organized by the IPU in partnership with the African Parliamentary Union (APU). The webinar
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News in brief

IPU welcomes the Bahamas, its 180th Member

The IPU has taken one step closer to universal membership with the addition of its newest Member, the Parliament of the Bahamas, at the 147th IPU Assembly in Luanda, Angola. Minister and parliamentarian, Ms. Pia Glover-Rolle, said: “We share many
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News in brief
Om Birla, Speaker of the Parliament of India

Heads of Parliament of the world’s largest economies convene in New Delhi

The Parliament of India, in cooperation with the IPU, brought together parliamentary leaders from the world’s 20 major economies at the Ninth G20 Parliamentary Speakers’ Summit and Parliamentary Forum, the so-called P20, on 13-14 October in New Delhi, India. The
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News in brief

Preparing democracy for what’s to come: Committees of the Future

The Second World Summit of the Committees of the Future, organized jointly by the Parliament of Uruguay and the IPU, will bring together parliamentarians from around the world to explore how to integrate tomorrow’s challenges into today’s decision-making.
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News in brief
young mps

11 young MPs who are helping to rejuvenate parliaments worldwide

The IPU’s Forum of Young Parliamentarians is a unique global body created 10 years ago to boost youth participation in parliaments and to allow young lawmakers to network among their peers. The Forum is all the more important as, according
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News in brief

IPU to elect new President in October 2023

The IPU Member Parliaments will elect their 31st President at the forthcoming 147th IPU Assembly to be held in Luanda, Angola from 23 to 27 October. The IPU President is the political head of the organization. He or she chairs
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News in brief
Climate change

Make democracy work better for the climate

With the summer of 2023 set to be the hottest on record, time is rapidly running out to keep global warming under the Paris Agreement target of 1.5 degrees Celsius. Climate action has become the number one strategic priority for
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Babies on the back benches

We need more women in parliament, but without childcare support we stand little chance of reaching gender parity. Parliaments can change this, one crèche at a time.
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News in brief
Sierra Leone

Record number of women MPs elected in Sierra Leone

Following recent elections, women lawmakers now account for 30.4% of the elected seats in the Sierra Leone Parliament, up from 14.5% in the previous election. The surge in women MPs is largely thanks to the Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment
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