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Webinar for the Asia-Pacific Region Parliaments: The impact of COVID-19 on SDG implementation in Asia-Pacific: What role for parliaments?


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2:00PM - 3:30PM (Bangkok time)

The current global health crisis is an unprecedented wake-up call that is showing us how crucial it is for countries to have policy and legislation ensuring preparedness and prevention. The socio-economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic are uncovering stark asymmetries and structural imbalances in our societies, such as the prevalence of poverty, unequal access to health services, weak health-care systems, persistent inequalities, and weak regional and global cooperation

As countries are now resetting their priorities and reallocating resources to deal with the pandemic, parliaments should be in a position to influence policies and budgets to ensure that the COVID-19 pandemic responses and recovery strategies embrace and incorporate the SDG framework in its entirety. Parliaments should also monitor policy implementation and ensure that the needs and concerns of the whole of society are given due consideration, with no one left behind.

In order to assist parliaments with these difficult efforts, the IPU is partnering with the United Nations Economic Commissions in the organization of a series of regional webinars for Parliaments on Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in time of a pandemic. The first event will be jointly organized with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. It is intended for the Parliaments of the region, and it is open to all parliamentarians and parliamentary staff.

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Concept note 125.51 KB
Programme 172.44 KB