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The consultant will assist with IPU activities to mobilize parliamentary engagement in preparations for the LDC 5. He/she will lead the preparation of knowledge products, political statements and parliamentary meetings to provide a substantive parliamentary contribution to the Doha conference.
Contracted service
Driven online by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the IPU continued to organise its events but in digital format, using a variety of platforms and suppliers. It is now looking to develop a single virtual event platform capable of hosting all its meetings, conferences, information sessions and Assemblies.
News in brief
say yes

I Say Yes to Youth in Parliament!

Half the world’s population is under 30 and yet only 2.6% of MPs globally represent this age group. The IPU has identified six ways to change this. Discover our campaign here and take two minutes to pick one or more
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The IPU is looking for support (consultants or agency) to carry out a review “of results achieved by the programme work between January 2019 and December 2020.”
The consultant will work in the International Development Programme of the Division of Programmes of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU).
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