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Press releases
Duarte Pacheco

Duarte Pacheco elected new IPU President in historic virtual vote

Mr. Duarte Pacheco has been elected as the 30th President of the IPU after an unprecedented online election during an extraordinary virtual session of the IPU’s Governing Council, its main decision-making body made up of parliamentarians from around the world
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Ms. B. Argimón


Ms. L. Fehlmann Rielle

Voices and videos
Geneva Peace Week

Parliaments’ Role in Linking Good Security Sector Governance to SDG16 amid COVID-19

Video created by Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF) and the IPU for Geneva Peace Week on 2 November 2020. This video will take you on a journey to discover how parliaments contribute to the governance of the security
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Background The COVID-19 pandemic that emerged with startling speed in early 2020 has served to underline the essential role of parliaments in holding the government to account and ensuring that human rights are not undermined during times of crisis. The
Background The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) is a unique organization made up of national parliaments from around the world. Its objectives include building stronger, more democratic parliaments; advancing gender equality, human rights and youth empowerment in parliament and through the work
Background The IPU is the global organization of parliaments. It was founded in 1889 as the first multilateral political organization in the world, encouraging cooperation and dialogue between all nations. Today, the IPU comprises 179 national Member Parliaments and 13
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