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Building an online platform

Hispanophone hub

The IT department of the Chamber of Deputies is developing an online platform to facilitate knowledge exchange among parliaments within the hub. The Spanish-language platform is expected to go live in the second quarter of 2019.

Hispanophone hub

Setting priorities for a Southern African hub

Southern African hub

ICT directors from parliaments in Southern Africa were able to begin discussion on priorities to address within the hub during the 2018 World e-Parliament Conference. Parliaments from the region have started to designate correspondents to participate in the hub. This group met in Lusaka on 28 and 29 March to discuss how they will work together, including Terms of Reference, workplan, and budget, as well as operational modalities, tools and working platforms for the hub. A lively WhatsApp channel is already being used to share information between parliaments on a daily basis.

Participants at the meeting of the hub

Image: Meeting of the Southern African Regional Hub, Lusaka, 27 March 2019.  © permission granted by the National Assembly of Zambia

Southern African hub

Sharing open data systems

Open data hub

The goal of the Inter-Parliamentary Open Data Cloud is to help people find information on bills and laws from other parliaments quickly and easily, thus enhancing the law-making process. Since December 2018, the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies has been working to improve its automated translation tool, with the help of a dataset provided to the machine-learning algorithm. Ultimately, the tools should be able to translate parliamentary documents from one language to another.

This work is done in partnership with open data experts from "G1" parliaments (that is, those already producing and publishing open data). A group has been set up on the Centre for Innovation’s Yammer channel to discuss specific issues. These exchanges will feed into an Expert Meeting hosted by the Chamber of Deputies in Brasilia from 27 to 31 May, where experts will explore options for how to connect their parliaments’ open data source systems to the Inter-Parliamentary Open Data Cloud.

Open data hub

Developing IT governance in parliaments

ICT governance hub

The IT governance hub is an online learning platform for parliaments to support a wide development of maturity in IT governance. Since the hub’s launch at the World e-Parliament Conference in December 2018, 77 individual accesses have been granted to the IT governance platform for staff belonging to 45 organisations. Among these organisations, 11 have so far recorded information related to their organisation and their IT maturity self-assessment. Following user feedback, a new status ("To be assessed") has been introduced in the system to help differentiate the status of the IT maturity self-assessments. For access to the platform, contact [email protected].

ICT governance hub
A quarterly electronic bulletin from the Centre for Innovation in Parliament Welcome to the Innovation Tracker! The Innovation Tracker is a blog about recent innovations in the way parliaments do their work. It is where MPs and staff find ideas

IPU joins UN in calling for immediate global ceasefire in view of COVID-19

Joint Statement The IPU is the global organization of national parliaments and empowers parliamentarians to promote peace, democracy and sustainable development. Working together within this institution, we strongly support the UN Secretary-General’s appeal for an immediate global ceasefire in view
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Contracted service
1. Background The IPU Established in 1889, the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) is the global organization of national parliaments and with its 179 Member Parliaments and 13 Associate Member Parliamentary Assemblies, is a global forum for parliamentary dialogue, cooperation and action
Contracted service
1. Background Established in 1889, the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) is the global organization of national parliaments and, with its 179 Member Parliaments and 13 Associate Member Parliamentary Assemblies, is a global forum for parliamentary dialogue, cooperation and action. The IPU
Voices and videos
Pediatric clinic in Viet Nam

Harnessing the power of parliamentarians to improve health and well-being of women, children and adolescents

Opinion Piece by Helga Fogstad, Executive Director, Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (PMNCH), and Martin Chungong, Board Member, PMNCH, and Secretary General of the IPU. On this World Health Day, occurring in the midst of the greatest pandemic
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