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IPU gravely concerned over new cases of abuse against Venezuelan MPs

In the last few days, the IPU has received an alarmingly high number of new complaints of alleged human rights violations against Venezuelan parliamentarians. The IPU Committee on Human Rights of Parliamentarians will examine these complaints, as well as other
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Voices and videos
IPU President and Secretary General

130 years after the foundation of the IPU, the struggle for democracy continues

An end-of-year message from IPU leadership. We should never take democracy for granted. Many of our parents and grandparents fought for it in the Second World War and in battles for independence from colonial rule. In the 1990s we celebrated
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News in brief
Refugee forum

Presenting parliamentary solutions at Refugee Forum

Parliamentarians from around the world were in Geneva this week for the first edition of the Global Refugee Forum organized by UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency. The parliamentarians brought the parliamentary voice to this global gathering to take stock of
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