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Press releases

#IPU141 Assembly in Serbia sets out to strengthen international law

Belgrade skyline
Over 1700 parliamentarians and UN and civil society partners from around the world will meet in Belgrade, Serbia, from 13 to 17 October for the 141st IPU Assembly.
News in brief

Promoting parliamentary engagement on climate change in Zambia

Climate change in Zambia
The IPU, the National Assembly of Zambia and the United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment) organized a climate change workshop in Lusaka, Zambia, on 22 July 2019 to support parliamentarians in their role to translate the international targets of the Paris Agreement into national legislation and to further action on climate change and environmental degradation. The workshop targeted members of parliament and parliamentary staff who belong to two committees with oversight over government ministries’ climate-change-related work, notably the implementation of the Paris Agreement. The Paris Agreement aims to strengthen the international response to climate change by keeping the global temperature
Background The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) is the world's organization of parliaments. It was founded in 1889 as the first multilateral political organization, encouraging cooperation and dialogue between all nations. Today, the IPU’s membership comprises approximately nearly all of the world's
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