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Press releases
youth 23

Lawmakers are getting younger but not everywhere

The latest IPU report on Youth Participation in Parliament reveals that parliaments are getting slightly younger, with small increases in the number of parliamentarians under 45 years old. However, despite the progress, parliaments are still a long way from representing
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Young people form a large share of the global population, but they make up only a small proportion of members of parliament around the world. This disparity is greatest among younger cohorts: while half of people worldwide are under age 30, and 18% of people are between the ages of 20 and 29, this report finds that only 2.8% of parliamentarians are aged 30 or under. The exclusion of youth from these spaces is not only unjust, but also has important policy implications. By virtue of their age, younger generations will live the longest with the consequences of legislation passed today.

Year of publication:


At the IPU we believe that climate action begins at home. That’s why we launched our campaign called Parliaments for the Planet in 2023 to mobilize parliaments and parliamentarians to accelerate action on the climate emergency.

Share how you’re taking action using #Parliaments4thePlanet

Parliaments around the world are taking action on the climate crisis

The world is facing a climate crisis. Parliamentarians see first hand the impact this is having on their communities - from rising temperatures and sea levels to changes in farming seasons and internal migration.

The IPU asks you to take action on the climate crisis by joining our campaign 'Parliaments for the Planet' - download the toolkit, read the reports and create change in your parliament.

Take part in the campaign

Guide: Climate action begins at home

Reducing your carbon footprint begins at home. Take action to make your parliament greener. My parliament, my planet - our shared global futures!

Download our handy guide "10 actions for greener parliaments (and those who work in them)" and start implementing some simple measures now.

Download the campaign toolkit

Download the toolkit of communication and social media assets for #Parliaments4thePlanet and share the campaign with your community.

Discover the IPU's work on climate

Climate change is killing people and destroying lives, development, peace and security all over the world. That's why climate action has been recognized as the top policy priority for the IPU. 

Discover case studies from around the world

The IPU is collating good climate practice from parliaments from around the world. Read the latest case studies here. 

Watch interviews with parliamentarians

Watch parliamentarians from around the world share what they are doing for the planet.

Explore the global database

Discover over 5000 climate laws from on the London School of Economics’ Grantham Research Institute database.

Get in touch with the IPU today

Share with the IPU what your parliament is doing for the planet.

Where are the major sources of emissions?

Where are the major sources of greenhouse gas emissions in the world? Discover more than 350 million sources in the Climate TRACE inventory. 

Educational tools for parliamentarians

The IPU, with support from ASU Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory, has launched a series of videos on key climate topics to help parliaments around the world make progress on climate action. Topics cover climate science, global climate governance, climate and the private sector, climate just transitions and climate action tools. Watch the first two in the series Climate change laws of the world and How to track emissions in your country.

News in brief
Om Birla, Speaker of the Parliament of India

Heads of Parliament of the world’s largest economies convene in New Delhi

The Parliament of India, in cooperation with the IPU, brought together parliamentary leaders from the world’s 20 major economies at the Ninth G20 Parliamentary Speakers’ Summit and Parliamentary Forum, the so-called P20, on 13-14 October in New Delhi, India. The
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Contracted service
Freedom of expression is a cornerstone of any democratic dispensation. Democracy cannot be realized without a free flow of ideas and information, and the possibility for people to gather, to voice and discuss issues, criticize and make demands, and defend
Contracted service
The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) is the global organization of parliaments. It was founded in 1889 as the first multilateral political organization in the world, encouraging cooperation and dialogue between all nations. Today, the IPU comprises 179 national Member Parliaments and
Gaza city

IPU leadership statement on the humanitarian crisis in Gaza

The IPU is increasingly alarmed by the unfolding catastrophic humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip. We reiterate our utter condemnation of any violence against civilians. The acts of terror committed by Hamas have done nothing to help the Palestinian people
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Parliaments and Human Rights: A self-assessment toolkit was jointly prepared by OHCHR and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU). The toolkit seeks to help parliaments better integrate human rights into their work and empower parliamentarians as champions of human rights for their constituents.

The toolkit is designed to be relevant to parliaments across all political systems, regardless of their size or location. It introduces the main international norms, treaties and mechanisms which underpin human rights and explains how parliaments can implement them at the national level.

Year of publication:
Press releases

IPU and UN Human Rights launch toolkit to encourage parliaments to champion human rights

The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and the UN Human Rights Office have today launched a toolkit to help parliaments better integrate human rights into their work. Parliaments and Human Rights: A self-assessment toolkit provides a practical introduction to assessing how human
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