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Voices and videos

A conversation with... Randolph De Battista, Malta

Randolph De Battista, Malta
As part of the IPU series 'A conversation with...', we interview parliamentarians from all over the world to find out who they represent and what motivates them. In this edition, we discover Randolph De Battista, a parliamentarian from Malta. The views and opinions expressed by the parliamentarians are their own and do not necessarily reflect the IPU’s position.
Voices and videos

A conversation with... Seiko Noda, Japan

Seiko Noda, MP, Japan
As part of the IPU series 'A conversation with...', we interview parliamentarians from all over the world to find out who they represent and what motivates them. In this edition, we discover Seiko Noda, a parliamentarian from Japan. The views and opinions expressed by the parliamentarians are their own and do not necessarily reflect the IPU’s position.
Case studies

Enhancing our partnership with the Uzbek Parliament to implement the SDGs

Akmal Saidov, Uzbekistan
As part of a wider strategic objective to connect parliaments with UN processes, the IPU invests in support for parliamentary implementation of the SDGs. Through our annual survey, we encourage parliaments to contribute to the preparation of voluntary national reviews, the UN process through which countries present their progress on the SDGs. While the IPU surveys show uneven parliamentary engagement in the process, Uzbekistan stands out as a good example of a parliament that has taken IPU recommendations to heart. It has gone further than many countries by institutionalizing the connection between parliament and the SDGs. Momentum for Uzbekistan’s parliamentary
The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) is the world organization of national parliaments. It is the oldest political multilateral organization in the world, dating back to 1889. The IPU promotes the peaceful settlement of conflicts through political dialogue and negotiation. Its mission


Voices and videos

A conversation with... Gabriela Morawska-Stanecka, Poland

Gabriela Morawska-Stanecka, Poland
As part of the IPU series 'A conversation with...', we interview parliamentarians from all over the world to find out who they represent and what motivates them. In this edition, we discover Gabriela Morawska-Stanecka, a Senator from Poland and a member of the IPU's Executive Committee. The views and opinions expressed by the parliamentarians are their own and do not necessarily reflect the IPU’s position.
Case studies

Mexico picks up the baton from Paraguay

Cynthia López Castro
Launched in April 2021, the IPU’s I Say Yes to Youth in Parliament! campaign continued to yield results in 2023. Inviting parliamentarians and others to sign up for six key pledges, the campaign aims to correct the significant under-representation of youth in parliaments. And it appears to be resonating widely, with the momentum for change spreading in Latin America too. The six pledges are to: promote youth quotas, align the age of eligibility for office with the voting age, support youth channels in parliament, empower young parliamentarians, mentor young aspirants, and advocate for youth participation. Paraguay was an early adopter
Voices and videos

How the Thai Parliament is addressing climate change

Thailand - Pita Limjaroenrat
As part of the IPU's climate campaign Parliaments for the Planet, Pita Limjaroenrat, member of parliament from Thailand shares with the IPU how climate change is affecting his country and the steps taken by his parliament to tackle the climate crisis. The views and opinions expressed by parliamentarians on IPU platforms are their own and do not necessarily reflect the IPU’s position. Find out more about the IPU’s campaign to mobilize parliaments to act on the climate emergency.
News in brief

Who started Earth Day and why?

fishing tuvalu
Every year, people worldwide take a collective pause to recognize the importance of preserving and protecting our planet’s natural resources on Earth Day, marked on 22 April. Given the severity of the climate crisis, it’s becoming a more important landmark each year, and a lightning rod for action from parliaments and people to protect our planet. Last year, one billion people took part in Earth Day events in more than 193 countries. But how did it all start, over half a century ago? Parliamentarian’s cause for concern After the publication of Silent Spring in 1962, a seminal book on pollution
Press releases

The AI-powered parliament: Risks and opportunities

The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) has released a new Issue brief, Using generative AI in parliaments, which explores the potential opportunities and risks associated with the use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) in parliamentary settings. GenAI is a new form of AI that can generate entirely new content, such as texts or images, based on large volumes of data, often referred to as large language models. Its explosive growth in recent months has made it a topic of significant media and political attention, including at the parliamentary level. The Brief provides an overview of how parliaments can leverage GenAI to save
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