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This report describes some of our most significant results in the eight strategic objectives set by the IPU’s Member Parliaments five years ago. Despite setbacks for democracy in many countries, we remained steadfast in our mission to build strong, democratic parliaments.
Year of publication:
Case studies

When quotas go wrong - and what to do about it

Quotas are critical in ensuring greater representation of women, according to the latest IPU Women in Parliament report. The numbers are clear. In 2021, countries with some form of gender quotas elected 31.9 per cent women on average to their
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Contracted service
The Inter-Parliamentary Union is looking for a professional report writer to produce the summary of its annual Parliamentary Hearing at the United Nations Headquarters in New York and possibly other meetings.

Mr. I. Celic


The world walked into 2021 with the shadow of COVID-19 looming large over its head. As well as posing a major health risk, the pandemic had also caused economic and social upheaval. Political life had been affected too, from the challenge of holding elections safely to ensuring the smooth working of parliaments. Though many of these difficulties endured in 2021, and in some cases were compounded, there were fewer delays1 in elections when compared with the previous year.

Year of publication:
Press releases
Mexico MPs

New IPU report: more women in parliament and more countries with gender parity

The global proportion of women parliamentarians has increased by 0.6 percentage points to reach 26.1 per cent according to the IPU’s latest Women in Parliament in 2021 report. This is in line with progress seen in the past two years. The increase can be largely attributed to the critical role played by well-designed quotas.
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