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Learning Centre Trainer, Myanmar

1. Background

The Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar (the Constitution) came into force in 2008.  Chapter 4 of the Constitution establishes the Union Legislature or Pyidaungsu Hluttaw comprising two Hluttaws that are generally equal in status. The term of the Union Hluttaw is 5 years from the day of the first session of the Pyithu Hluttaw. Following the Myanmar election held on 8 November 2015, newly elected MPs were sworn in as MPs of the Pyithu Hluttaw on Monday 1 February 2016, and of the Amyotha Hluttaw on Wednesday 3 February 2016.

The Inter-Parliamentary Union and UNDP have since 2013 supported the Hluttaw-led institutional change agenda focused on building the Union Parliament into a strong and effective democratic institution. The UNDP/IPU parliamentary strengthening program delivers a long-term, multi-faceted approach to capacity building, covering capacity building for the Parliamentarians, the Parliamentary Administration as well as for the Region and State Hluttaw.

As implementing partner, IPU addresses areas of ICT development and information management and provides support to the Learning Centre. The Learning Centre was opened in 2015, providing a high quality facility for in-house training and learning. The Learning Centre enables the Parliament to strengthen capacity and skills of MPs and staff on a sustainable basis, and provides coherence behind development partner support to training and learning.

In 2016, the Learning Centre supported the Hluttaw to lead an induction for new Union Hluttaw MPs and a leadership and professional development programme for Union and Region and State Hluttaw Committee Chairs and Secretaries. Ongoing professional development support to MPs is provided through issue-based seminars and master classes, and personalized assistance through drop in services and short skills courses.

In 2017, UNDP increased the effectiveness and skills of MPs and committees to undertake their lawmaking, representation and oversight duties through procedural reform, the introduction of committee inquiries and MP professional development (MP PD). MP PD includes issue-based seminars, master classes, and drop in services. Seminars for Committee Chairs have supported the development of legislative, budget and policy inquiries that include broad public and stakeholder engagement and evidence-based reports to the plenary, strengthening committees to perform their legislative, oversight and representational duties in ways that contribute effectively to the work of the Hluttaw.

Drop in services for MPs throughout the Hluttaw session provided on-demand personalized professional development support to MPs. Drop in service support includes Hluttaw staff training and mentoring to assist MPs, with ICT skills support being delivered independently by Hluttaw staff with oversight from Learning Centre trainers. Drop in services are fully administered by Hluttaw staff to ensure sustainability.

The Learning Centre has supported sustainability of capacity development support to the Hluttaws through development of a cadre of Hluttaw staff trainers who are capable of delivering support to MPs and staff, and who can act as training focal points for technical expertise in different Hluttaw department and available through development support.  An accredited TTT programme to be delivered by Melbourne Polytechnic has been prepared to specialize staff to act as dedicated Hluttaw trainers. Development of this capacity and increased Hluttaw leadership of the Learning Centre ensures sustainability of professional development services to MPs and staff and supports implementation of the institutional development and reform agendas of the Union Hluttaw and the Regions and State Hluttaws.

Through 2017-2018, the Learning Centre will progress towards the goal of recognized status as Myanmar’s dedicated parliamentary training body. A programme of on-the-job training for Hluttaw staff is being delivered to specialize staff in interpretation translation; and in training administration and reporting in order to develop skills to progress towards Hluttaw administration of the Learning Centre.

Development of a Hluttaw-led, managed and staffed Learning Centre that can effectively report on results achieved can also act as a model for internally-driven capacity development across governance institutions in Myanmar. This support helps to build robust, people-centered parliamentary institutions at national and sub-national levels that have the capacity and durability to engage in key national priorities including the peace process, federalism and constitutional reform.

2. Purpose and Scope of Work

UNDP/IPU support to the Learning Centre in 2018 will consolidate and scale up gains made in MP and staff professional development, while increasingly progressing towards sustainability goals and ensuring the Learning Centre is Hluttaw-led, managed and staffed. The MP PD programme will continue in the Hluttaw session, utilizing the strong networks within and outside Myanmar to support stakeholder engagement on priority issues for the Hluttaw.

UNDP/IPU has contracted Melbourne Polytechnic to deliver a TTT Specialised programme, starting from 15 January 2018. This will ensure the Hluttaw has the capacity to meet its own training needs, assisting managers to design and roll out staff training to meet objectives of departmental delivery plans. The Learning Centre Trainer will ensure the successful preparation and start of the programme by communicating with Hluttaw Offices before and during the programme, supporting and mentoring assigned staff, and providing all necessary support to training provider (Melbourne Polytechnic)

The Learning Centre will continue support to on-the-job training for Hluttaw staff in interpretation and translation. In December 2017, staff assigned to the Learning Centre began a programme to develop tailored adminisrration and reporting systems for the Learning Centre. The delivery of this programme will:

  • Help ensure consistent, responsive and high-quality support to Hluttaw MPs and staff;
  • Strengthen the development of processes and procedures to manage and administer training;
  • Strengthen monitoring, evaluation and reporting on how capacity development activities for MPs and staff are contributing to meeting the Hluttaw’s Strategic Objectives.

The Learning Centre Trainer will ensure continuity in all the ongoing work of the Learning Centre, including MP PD. The position will support the successful delivery of key activities to ensure Learning Centre sustainability: TTT Specialised programme; and on-the-job training in administration and reporting.

3. Objectives and Duties

The main objectives of the assignment are to:

  • Sustain MP PD by delivering personalized support and training to MPs through drop in services in twice-weekly one-to-one or small group sessions; and assisting with delivery of seminars and master classes
  • Improve knowledge and skills of Hluttaw staff on-the-job trainees by delivering daily training sessions and mentoring support:
  • interpretation and translation;
  • training administration and reporting (Learning Centre support staff).
  • Ensure successful delivery of TTT Specialised Programme through support to Hluttaw Offices, assigned staff, and Melbourne Polytechnic in preparation and delivery of the programme.

The Learning Centre Trainer will meet these objectives through the following duties:

  • Design curricula, training material and lessons plans for all training duties;
  • Directly facilitate training in line with adult learning principles;
  • Mentor trained Hluttaw staff to support delivery of personalized professional development for MPs through drop in services;
  • Deliver effective and timely communication and reporting of all Hluttaw Learning Centre activities with the Joint Coordination Committee for Hluttaw Development (JCC) and Hluttaw Office departments;
  • Support training preparation and delivery for other activities in the MP professional development and staff capacity development programmes delivered through the Learning Centre;
  • Support all other training providers and development partners conducting activities in the Learning Centre;
  • Deliver timely monitoring, evaluation and reporting of all activities undertaken;
  • Perform any other work related duties and responsibilities that may be assigned.

4. Selection Criteria (Knowledge, skills and experience required)

  • Minimum eight (8) years of progressively responsible experience in curriculum design and delivering flexible and innovative training to adults in Myanmar;
  • Experience delivering tailored training to MPs and parliamentary staff;
  • Proven record in developing training curricula and delivering training for specialised purposes;
  • Experience delivering Train the Trainers programmes;
  • Experience in producing original and tailored training material using a variety of methods;
  • Activity experience delivering training programs operated by the international aid, civil society or NGO sector, or other activities implemented with public servants;
  • Understanding of the role of Parliament and the system of government in the Union of Myanmar;
  • Well-developed organization capacities and ability to work under pressure and meet strict deadlines
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills in Myanmar and English;
  • Adherence to high standards of political neutrality, impartiality, confidentiality and discretion;
  • Demonstrated willingness to work as part of a team in a multicultural environment;
  • Good information management skills including ability to use and manage a range of computing software;
  • Experience reporting on and evaluating training activities.

5. Qualifications and Language Requirements

  • Masters Degree  in Education or Linguistics  or other relevant field
  • Recognised Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) qualification; or other training certification that demonstrates that the individual has expertise in participatory and learner-centred training methodology;
  • The individual contractor must be fluent in written and spoken English and Myanmar

6. Deliverables



  1. Training and mentoring for all on the job trainees
  1. Training materials and lesson plans produced and delivered
  2. Deliver individual progress reports for all on-the-job trainees, including:
  • Demonstrated progress made against programme objectives
  • Demonstrated improved learning skills of trainees
  • Personal learning plans for the coming month
  1. An end of mission report that gives substantive evidence based feedback on key areas of engagement, identifying:
  1. Results of all activities undertaken, identifying where sustained capacity within the Hluttaw has been built;
  2. Lessons learnt and suggestions for future programming.

23 February 2018

Payment will be made upon verification of quality of all deliverables by the UNDP Strategic and Technical Adviser, Parliament; the IPU Manager, Technical Coordination; and the Learning Centre Specialist.

7. Management

The line manager will be the IPU Manager, Technical Coordination and the Learning Centre Specialist.

The Learning Centre Trainer will receive technical advice and support from the UNDP Strategic and Technical Adviser.

8. Location

The UNDP/IPU Parliamentary Support Program-Project Office, the Office of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, Zabuthiri Building, Naypyitaw, Myanmar.

9. Working Hours

9:00am-5:00pm with one-hour lunch break; or as agreed with line manager.

10. Language

The individual contractor must be fluent in written and spoken English and Myanmar.