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IPU Programme Officer, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar


The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and UNDP have supported the Hluttaw-led institutional change agenda focused on building the Union Parliament into a strong and effective democratic institution since 2013. The Union Hluttaw Strategic Plan 2015-2018 identifies key short and medium term priorities for institutional strengthening and to meet Strategic Plan objectives the UNDP/IPU parliamentary strengthening program (PSP) delivers a long-term, multi-faceted approach to capacity building, covering capacity building for MPs, the Parliamentary Administration as well as for the Region and State Hluttaw. IPU supports overall PSP results at the Union level, integrating the areas of ICT development and information management and support to the Hluttaw Learning Centre in helping address the Hluttaw’s institutional development priorities.

The Learning Centre was opened in 2015, providing quality facilities for in-house training and learning. In 2016, the Learning Centre supported the Hluttaw to lead an induction programme for new Union Hluttaw MPs and a leadership and professional development programme for Union and Region and State Hluttaw Committee Chairs and Secretaries. Ongoing professional development support to MPs and committees is provided through issue-based seminars and master classes, and personalized assistance through drop in services and short skills courses. The Hluttaw Learning Centre also enables the Parliament to strengthen capacity and skills Hluttaw Office staff on a sustainable basis, and provides coherence behind development partner support to training and learning that has been approved by the Joint Coordination Committee for Hluttaw Development (JCC).

Between mid-2013 to date, there has been a comprehensive development in the Myanmar Hluttaw aimed towards increasing the Administration’s capacities to provide better (e-)services in support of parliamentary work through the establishment of the right ICT foundations, and the implementation of the first modern Information Management systems. As part of this work, the installation of the Hluttaw data centre facility ensured institution-wide network support, including communications and data storage. In 2018, the Hluttaw will launch the intranet and integrated website on the SharePoint platform. The SharePoint platform will be used to deliver information to MPs and support more efficient and effective work in Hluttaw Office departments. It will also support self-study and dissemination of learning material, knowledge products and training guidelines for MPs and Hluttaw staff.

The Myanmar Union Hluttaw became a member of IPU in 2012. There is a dedicated IPU committee of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw which facilitates MPs to attend IPU-related activities and Assemblies and strengthens inter-parliamentary communication and collaboration.

Scope of Work

The Programme Officer will support the delivery of the Hluttaw’s Strategic Plan by contributing to formulation of activities and ensuring effective management, implementation and evaluation of work under the PSP, in particular related to ICT and Learning Centre. The Programme Officer will ensure that IPU programme staff deliver activies in line with their Terms of Reference, and facilitate the work of international and national consultants to achieve programme results. The Programme Officer will support the international engagements of the Hluttaw related to the work of IPU, and will communicate with and support the IPU committee of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw.

The position requires working closely with the IPU ICT Project Manager in providing ongoing technical advice and support to the ICT Steering Committee, composed of Hluttaw senior staff, to lead the development, roll out  and monitoring and evaluation of the intranet and website. This will require support to the Hluttaw to ensure effective knowledge management practices in the collection and preparation of documentation for publication, and assistance to translate any necessary documents.

The Programme Office will support the ongoing evolution of the Learning Centre as a Hluttaw-led Centre of parliamentary capacity development excellence. This will involve supporting Hluttaw staff assigned to the Learning Centre staff and overseeing IPU and contracted staff, ensuring the quality, effectiveness and timely reporting on Learning Centre training programmes for MPs and staff.

Close collaboration with the JCC, Hluttaw leadership, the UNDP programme specialists and staff in other UN Agencies and Development Partners working with the Hluttaw is essential to effectively undertaking the position of Programme Office. This will involve effective written and oral communication in Myanmar and English to support the timely delivery of programme work, enable clear communication between UNDP and IPU and ensure approval and scheduling of activities.


To represent the IPU to:

  • Contribute to the implementation of the Myanmar Parliamentary Support Programe in partnership with UNDP
  • Liaise with the Parliament on issues related to the IPU

Duties and Responsibilities

The Programme Officer will support the delivery of results under the integrated PSP with primary responsibility for implementation of  programme strategies focusing on achievement of the ICT and Learning Centre objectives outlined in the 2018 work plan.

Specific tasks and responsibilities of the Programme officer include:

  1. Coordinate and implement activities under the PSP, in particular in relation to the delivery of IPU activities as indicated in the annual work plan.
  • Support delivery of results under IPU focus areas - ICT and Learning Centre - by providing supervision and guidance to the IPU ICT Project Manager and Learning Centre project staff working with the PSP
  • Contribute to project and activity design and documentation
  • Coordinate with Hluttaw counterparts to ensure organisation and implementation of activities
  • Produce all necessary programme documents in Myanmar and English and provide interpretation assistance to ensure effective delivery of PSP activities.
  • Monitor issues and risks related to PSP activity implementation, identify mitigation and implement agreed actions.
  • Organize, prepare, collate and consolidate reporting, including IPU quarterly reports, UNDP/IPU PSP reporting, and PSP reporting to Hluttaw counterparts including the JCC
  • Monitor the effectiveness of the support provided and provide suggestions on improvements to delivery of the support as appropriate and in the context of discussions that take place with the Union Assembly;
  1. Support development of strategic partnerships and provide local contextual advice to the PSP project team and Inter-Parliamentary Union
  • Undertake liaison activities with the Union Assembly members, staff and national partners
  • Delivers written and oral briefings to PSP team and IPU on governance and parliamentary context in Myanmar on request
  • Organises key events such as consultaiton meetings, trainings as needed to implement technical assistance under the UNDP/IPU PSP
  • Keep abreast of effective practice in other countries in relation to PSP and identify learning points
  • Identify opportunities and prepare Hluttaw counterparts to share experiences through IPU and facilitate South-South cooperation

Duties applicable to all staff:

  • Actively work towards the achievement of the Union Assembly’s, IPU’s and UNDP strategic objectives
  • Perform any other work related duties and responsibilities that may be assigned by the line manager
  • Support application of the Common Principles for Support to  Parliament.
  • Adhere to IPU and UNDP Core Principles and Values

Qualifications and Experience


  1. University or post-graduate degree in political science, international relations, economics, law, social studies, public administration, development studies or other relevant field
  2. Minimum of 4 years of experience in the implementation of programmes and projects for international development organisations, government and non-government or civil society organisations
  3. Solid knowledge of democratic governance issues and a good understanding of the functions and roles of parliaments and MPs
  4. Adherence to high standards of political neutrality, impartiality, confidentiality and discretion
  5. Ability to work with a broad range of individuals with diverse backgrounds and experience
  6. Demonstrated knowledge of project management principles and best practice.
  7. High level administrative skills and practical computer and software skills, such as: Windows, Microsoft Word
  8. Experience in coordinating with a wide range of stakeholders, such as government, parliament, development partners, academia/think tanks, civil society, INGOs.
  9. Experience reporting on and evaluating programme and project activities
  10. Fluent in written and spoken English and Myanmar


  1. Experience of governance-related development work
  2. Experience of financial management
  3. Knowledge of other Myanmar languages

Management Arrangements

The Programme Officer will work under the operational supervision of the UNDP Chief Technical Adviser (CTA) who is based in Naypyitaw and provides strategic and technical support to the PSP in coordanation with the IPU Manager, Technical Cooperation Programme, who is based in Geneva.

The Programme Officer will report to the IPU Manager, Technical Cooperation Programme and will provide weekly progress updates by email and Skype.


Compensation will be commensurate with education and experience.


The UNDP/IPU Parliamentary Support Program-Project Office, the Office of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, Zabuthiri Building, Naypyitaw, Myanmar.

Duties will be conducted in Naypyitaw and Yangon.

Working Hours/Duration of Contract

9:00am-5:00pm with one hour lunch break; or as agreed with line manager.

Duration: 1 June – 31 December 2018