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Contracted service

FileMaker database developer

The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) is the global organization of parliaments and works for democracy, peace and cooperation among peoples. To that end, it fosters contacts, coordination and the exchange of experience among parliaments and parliamentarians of all countries.

As part of its work to defend and promote human rights, the IPU defends the fundamental rights of parliamentarians around the world through its Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians. The Committee follows a detailed procedure to examine individual complaints regarding allegations of violations of the human rights of serving or former parliamentarians. It applies national, regional and international human rights standards and endeavours to find a satisfactory resolution to cases through dialogue with the authorities of the country concerned, primarily its Parliament.

Since 2015, the IPU’s Human Rights Programme, which includes the secretariat of the Committee, has been implementing a FileMaker database in cooperation with a specialized provider in order to be able to produce and analyse statistics and graphics relating to the Committee’s work. This database requires regular maintenance as well as occasional additional development work.


The IPU’s Human Rights Programme is looking for a specialist developer or group of developers (the consultant) on whom it can call on a long-term, ad-hoc basis for tasks mainly aimed at:

  1. optimizing the current database and ensuring its longevity in terms of producing data, statistics and graphics, notably for International Human Rights Day;
  2. improving the ease of use of the database through an intuitive and ergonomic interface;
  3. evolving the database into a management, storage and data analysis tool and a search engine of the Committee’s case law;
  4. improving the system for sharing and visualizing the data.

These tasks will be required upon specific request of the IPU, as and when needs are identified for the maintenance or development of the database, as well as for training.

The consultant will be responsible for independently completing the tasks assigned to them, in consultation with their points of contact at the IPU. The consultant will be required to collaborate closely with the members of the IPU Secretariat who use the database regularly and with the IPU’s Information Systems Officer to identify and understand their needs.


The main deliverables expected include:

  • Draw on skills and experience as a developer to maintain the database and to develop new functionalities in response to needs identified by points of contact at the IPU.
  • Carry out the operations and modifications requested with due regard for adopting the optimum solution in terms of processing time and the future adaptability of the code provided.
  • Improve and ensure the maintenance of the Committee’s case law search tool and ensure that it works correctly.
  • Improve and ensure the maintenance of the system for evaluating progress and setbacks in the Committee’s procedure.
  • Regularly communicate progress/difficulties to IPU points of contact and alert them of issues if necessary.
  • Assiduously document work and modifications carried out, put in place testing scenarios before implementation and present the modifications made to IPU points of contact within the expected deadlines.
  • Regularly monitor the correct functioning of the database, ensure it is maintained and provide the necessary training to end users.
  • Ensure the constant improvement of the ergonomics and utility of the database functions, including those relating to visualization and ease of sharing statistics where required.
  • In close collaboration with IPU points of contact, enable the extraction of consolidated statistics for International Human Rights Day.
  • If a company or group of developers is selected, designate a focal point responsible for maintaining smooth communication with the IPU.

Skills and qualifications

  • Good general theoretical and practical knowledge of relational databases.
  • Good knowledge of the FileMaker Pro and Tableau software. Proven prior experience of development and management of FileMaker databases. FileMaker Business Alliance Trainer certification would be an asset.
  • Ability to analyse needs and to summarize, with an eye for detail and a results- and solutions-oriented approach; ability to develop own solutions, make proposals and work as a team in a multicultural context.
  • Ability to work in project mode, displaying autonomy and rigour in the management of tasks and activity reporting, as well as respect for deadlines.
  • Ability to work with novice users of FileMaker, drawing on strong teaching skills and good written and oral communication.
  • Good knowledge of English and French (database was developed in both languages).


  • Service contract for ad hoc tasks in accordance with development, maintenance and training needs relating to the database.
  • Deadlines and remuneration to be decided based on the specifications of each new development project and on the basis of an approved quotation. Candidates are invited to specify their usual hourly rate for development, maintenance and training work.
  • The consultant’s work is carried out remotely, from home or from the usual place of work.
  • Contract start date: January 2023.
  • Duration: two years, renewable subject to results and availability of funding.

Estimated average number of hours of work per calendar year: 48 hours

How to apply

Interested persons fulfilling the criteria listed above are invited to send their complete application file by email to [email protected] by 12 September 2022.

The application file must contain:

  1. A detailed curriculum vitae or a description of the services offered by the development company with profiles of the proposed team
  2. A motivational letter if the candidate is an individual
  3. A document, 2 pages maximum, describing one or more examples of similar projects carried out by the candidate over the past two or three years

Only individuals or companies whose applications/offers are under serious consideration will be contacted. Applications received after the deadline will not be accepted.
