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© Office of the Hungarian National Assembly

Hungary kicks off the IPU’s 130th anniversary

The Hungarian Parliament was the first IPU member to celebrate the IPU’s 130th anniversary at a special event in the National Assembly in Budapest on 5 June 2019. At the event, the Hungarian Post Office released two commemoration stamps designed by artist Eszter Domé, showing the Hungarian National Assembly and the IPU’s headquarters in Geneva.
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Throughout the year, the IPU and its Members organize many events for parliamentarians to exchange good practices, acquire the latest information and identify avenues for action.
News in brief
SDGs in Mongolia

Parliaments focus on education and SDGs in Mongolia seminar

Eighteen parliaments from the Asia-Pacific region met in Ulaan Bataar, Mongolia, from 27 to 28 May 2019, to assess their country’s progress in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). According to data from the United Nations, the region is lagging
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south sudah nurse babies

Preparations for first global parliamentary resolution on Universal Health Coverage

At a technical briefing organized by the IPU and the World Health Organization (WHO) on 23 May during the World Health Assembly, parliamentarians discussed how to move forward on providing universal health coverage (UHC). IPU Members are expected to adopt
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IPU concerned about further deterioration of political crisis in Venezuela

The IPU is concerned about the arrest on 8 May of the Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly, Mr. Edgar Zambrano. His arrest follows the decision of the Constituent Assembly to strip him of his parliamentary immunity as well as that of six other members of the National Assembly, and with the likelihood of three more to come.
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News in brief
© IPU/S. Alikhan

IPU and the United Nations reinforce their cooperation to fight terrorism

The IPU, the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT), and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to cement their cooperation in the fight against terrorism and violent extremism. The signing took
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