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Mr. Chen Fuli

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New IPU data reveals challenges for parliaments in SDG implementation

New IPU data paints a mixed picture of the role of parliaments in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). While examples of good practice have emerged, with some parliaments playing a very active role, the data also shows that implementation of the SDGs and involvement in the voluntary national review process remain primarily government-led.
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Nearly every country in the world has some form of parliament. Parliamentary systems fall into two categories: bicameral and unicameral. Out of 190 national parliaments in the world, 78 are bicameral (156 chambers) and 112 are unicameral, making a total
The IPU High-Level Advisory Group on Countering Terrorism and Violent Extremism was established in 2017 to serve as the global focal point for parliamentary activities related to counter-terrorism efforts.
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IPU President with Demetris Syllouris

IPU President visits Cyprus and Iran

IPU President Gabriela Cuevas Barron paid official visits to Cyprus and Iran in June 2019.
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Speaker of the Parliament of Djibouti, Mohamed Ali Houmed

Djibouti MPs join in celebrations for IPU’s 130th

The Speaker of Djibouti’s National Assembly, Mohamed Ali Houmed, opened an extraordinary session of the Parliament with a speech to mark the IPU’s 130th anniversary. The Prime Minister, Abdoulkader Kamil Mohamed, was in the audience. The Parliament also helped raise awareness of the IPU and the anniversary by sending out the link to the video produced for the anniversary to all the MPs.
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IPU Honorary President Saber H. Chowdhury, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and Speaker of Parliament Shirin Chaudhury at the opening of the exhibition

Bangladesh PM opens IPU 130th anniversary exhibition

The Parliament of Bangladesh is currently displaying the IPU’s 130th anniversary exhibition. The exhibition was opened by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. Speaker of Parliament Shirin Chaudhury and IPU Honorary President Saber H. Chowdhury were present at the opening, as were whips and other members of parliament.
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© IPU/PM Virot

IPU celebrates its 130th anniversary on World Parliament Day

On 30 June, International Day of Parliamentarism, the IPU celebrated its 130th anniversary in a ‘Quintet’ consisting of the Presidents of the most recent and future IPU Assemblies.
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The President of the National Assembly, Richard Ferrand, welcomed delegations from France and Britain, with Martin Chungong, IPU Secretary General

Statement by the French and British Groups of the IPU for the 130th anniversary

Gathered in Paris to celebrate the 130th anniversary of the first meeting of the IPU on 29 and 30 June 1889, the French and British Groups of the IPU reaffirm in the following statement their commitment to the IPU.
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Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow

British IPU group celebrate 130th anniversary in Speaker's House

On 25 June, as part of the IPU's 130th anniversary celebrations, the Chair and Executive Committee of the British Group Inter-Parliamentary Union (BGIPU) invited members of the House of Commons and the House of Lords to attend a diplomatic reception in Speaker’s House. Members of the Diplomatic Corps, key stakeholders in the UK Parliament and a visiting delegation from the Italian Parliament were also invited (Italy was one of the nine original member countries of the IPU, along with the co-founders United Kingdom and France).
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