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Press releases

Ensuring universal health coverage: New resource for parliamentarians

The IPU and the World Health Organization (WHO) have produced a handbook on universal health coverage (UHC) intended to help parliaments fulfil their roles as enablers of UHC. Here are its main features.
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Universal health coverage (UHC) means that all people have access to the health services they need, when and where they need them, without financial hardship. UHC can be seen as the practical expression of the right to health, which was established in 1948 by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and is enshrined in many national constitutions and domestic laws.

Year of publication:
L’UIP est l’organisation mondiale des parlements. Fondée en 1889 pour encourager la coopération et le dialogue entre tous les pays, elle est la plus ancienne organisation politique multilatérale. L’UIP regroupe aujourd’hui la quasi-totalité des parlements du monde. Elle promeut la


Press releases

MPs in danger all over the world – but some good news too

On the eve of Human Rights Day, the IPU has released its annual global snapshot of the situation of threatened parliamentarians. A record number of 739 parliamentarians from 44 countries all over the world suffered violations of their fundamental rights
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