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Case studies
canada parliament

How Canada’s parliament created a new way to onboard MPs… and bid them farewell

The pandemic was an unprecedented challenge for parliaments and highlighted shortcomings in MP onboarding and personal development programmes globally. Canada’s House of Commons researched ways to improve these: here’s the system it came up with.
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News in brief
rally paris

Violence against women parliamentarians: Causes, effects, solutions

Women account for just over 26% of parliamentarians worldwide according to the IPU’s latest figures. Despite progress made in recent years, significant obstacles continue to block their path to parity with their male counterparts. One of the biggest obstacles is
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The 2020 World e-Parliament Report captured a picture of parliaments going through a phase of enforced innovation and learning to rapidly embed new ways of working supported by information and communications technologies (ICT). The research behind this 2022 report set out to understand if – and, if so, how – parliaments have been changed by the Covid-19 pandemic, and to identify ways in which they are continuing to modernize and build resilience.

Year of publication:
Virtual event
In view of the Common Principles ten-year anniversary in 2024, the Roundtable will be on the theme of Agile parliaments for the future.

United Arab Emirates



The Conference is organized by the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the Parliament of the Kingdom of Morocco in cooperation with Religions for Peace, and with the support of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations and the Mohammadia League of Religious Scholars.

Mr. V. Vojtko


Ms. M. Batet


Ms. E. Nyirasafari


Ms. C. Muyeka Mumma

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