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New videos

ICT governance hub
Open data hub

As part of the World e-Parliament Conference 2021, new videos are available for all our thematic innovation hubs.

ICT governance hubOpen data hubTransparency

New videos

East African hub
Hispanophone hub
Southern African hub
Pacific hub

As part of the World e-Parliament Conference 2021, new videos are available for some of our regional innovation hubs.

East African hubHispanophone hubSouthern African hubPacific hub
This ninth edition of the Innovation Tracker features highlights from the virtual World e-Parliament Conference 2021 which was held in June 2021. It also includes the IPU's new World e-Parliament Report and showcases parliamentary video innovations from around the world.©
Voices and videos
Samuel Cogolati

A conversation with...Samuel Cogolati, MP, Belgium

As part of the IPU series called 'A conversation with...', we interview parliamentarians from all over the world to find out who they represent and what motivates them. In this edition, we discover Samuel Cogolati, MP from Belgium.
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News in brief

Parliamentary Forum: stronger government role needed to achieve SDGs

“Get Government Back”! That was the message from the IPU’s Parliamentary Forum coinciding with the United Nations High-level Political Forum on sustainable development (HLPF), held in New York from 6-15 July.
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News in brief
©Joshua Hibbert

IPU holds virtual explanatory session on COP26

In preparation for the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in November 2021 in Glasgow, the IPU hosted a virtual inter-parliamentary meeting on COP26 on 24 June, in collaboration with the British Group of the IPU and the Italian Chamber of Deputies. COP26 will bring together parties from around the world to advance action on climate change to meet the goals and objectives of the Paris Agreement and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
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The IPU is looking for a Registration Consultant who will oversee the smooth operation of the Registration Service, at each of the IPU Assemblies, prepare the List of Participants to be published online, as well as operate the IPU Event Registration System (ERS) and respond to delegation coordinators questions and queries.
Virtual event
The Inter-Parliamentary Union and the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia are organizing the First Global Parliamentary Meeting on Achieving the SDGs.
News in brief

The IPU reaffirms its commitments to generation equality

What would a truly equal generation look like? Convened by UN Women and co-hosted by the governments of France and Mexico, this is the question panellists debated at last week’s Generation Equality Forum in Paris.
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News in brief
© UN Women/ Ryan Brown

IPU welcomes Canadian funding to advance gender equality in parliament

The IPU will receive an additional two million Canadian dollars in funding to support its gender equality work in parliament. The three-year project, Gender Equality in Politics, is designed to support the IPU’s work in increasing women’s political empowerment. The funding will also help strengthen the capacity of parliaments to support gender equality at a national level.
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News in brief
IPU 140

IPU and Qatar Shura Council intensify cooperation

The IPU and the Shura Council of Qatar reinforced their cooperation this week with the signature of a new Memorandum of Understanding between Mr. Ahmed Bin Abdulla Bin Zaid Al Mahmoud, Speaker of the Shura Council, and Mr. Martin Chungong, IPU Secretary General.
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