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Data points :

Quanguo Renmin Daibiao Dahui (National People's Congress)

The IPU data corresponds to the lower chamber if the parliament is bicameral. For information about upper chambers, refer to Parline

Women in parliament
of MPs are women
Youth in parliament
of MPs are under 45
MPs' human rights
cases currently treated by the Committee on the Human Rights of MPs
  • Population 1425.89 million people
  • Number of MPs 3000 MPs
  • Legislature Unicameral
  • Last election Mar 2023
  • IPU Membership
  • Common principles signatory
  • Website
  • More data from Parline

This page contains the latest IPU news and data for this parliament. The percentage of women in parliament and the percentage of youth participation correspond to the lower chamber if the parliament is bicameral. The number of MP human rights cases corresponds to the latest decisions of the IPU Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians.

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News in brief
SDG seminar

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News in brief
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Voices and videos
Chen Guomin

Interview with Chen Guomin, MP, on the Chinese Parliament's engagement with the SDGs

Voices is part of an IPU web series in which we interview parliamentarians from around the world. The views and opinions they express are their own and do not necessarily reflect the IPU’s position. Chinese MP Chen Guomin discusses the
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News in brief
IPU Secretary General Martin Chungong and NPC Standing Committee Secretary General Yang Zhenwu signing the agreement on this donation.

Chinese Parliament donates USD1 million to IPU counter-terrorism programme

The National People’s Congress of China will donate USD 1 million to the IPU for its work on countering terrorism and violent extremism. IPU Secretary General Martin Chungong and NPC Standing Committee Secretary General Yang Zhenwu signed the agreement today at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Mr. Chungong was in Beijing for an interregional conference on building parliamentary capacity and the further implementation of SDGs.
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Case studies

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Case studies
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Buildings fit for a parliament: The politics of parliamentary architecture

Parliament buildings are often statements revealing a country’s vision, traditions and culture. Here are the five types of plenary halls and their political significance. As former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill commented: “We shape our buildings and afterwards our buildings
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Case studies

How do parliaments follow up on IPU resolutions and initiatives?

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Related events

The Fourth Interregional Seminar on Parliamentary Capacity Building and the Further Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will take place in Beijing, China, from 12 to 14 June 2019 and will be followed by a field trip. Jointly organized

Second interregional seminar on parliamentary capacity-building and the further implementation of the SDGs


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