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Researcher to carry out data collection and quality control for the PARLINE database on national parliaments


The IPU has published an online database on national parliaments, PARLINE, ( since 1996. It currently comprises eight modules, covering different aspects of the role, structure and working methods of parliaments.

A major process is underway to renew the design, contents and technical architecture of the database. The objective is for PARLINE to be the reference point for accurate, authoritative and up-to-date data on the parliaments of the world.

The new PARLINE will initially contain some 450 data points, of which around 260 are included in the database for the first time. New data has been collected through four questionnaires to parliaments:

1. Representation;
2. Oversight and law-making;
3. Parliamentary autonomy, budget, staff and salaries;
4. Working methods and transparency.


IPU has collected completed questionnaires from over 70 per cent of parliaments. IPU has also obtained partial data through research in available public sources for an additional 20 per cent of parliaments. After preliminary quality control, these data have been stored in an online temporary data store

The new version of the database is expected to be built in 2017. IPU is therefore seeking a Researcher to finalize the content of the database, by collecting data to fill remaining gaps in the dataset, and ensuring quality control of the entire dataset.

The work will involve regular correspondence with parliaments in all countries in the world where there is a functioning parliament (currently 193 countries, comprising 270 parliamentary chambers).



  • Prepare a short paper on strategy for data collection and quality control

Data collection

  • Develop and implement strategies to collect data on parliaments that have never responded to the IPU questionnaires
  • Carry out research from available public sources (such as parliamentary websites, constitutions) to fill gaps in questionnaires that have been partially completed through previous IPU research, and cross-check the data with parliaments
  • Update data on the few countries which have been through major constitutional or political changes since the initial data was collected
  • Develop and implement strategies to fill other gaps in the data set (such as data points that require updating each year or after elections; data on parliamentary salaries)
  • Contact parliaments for which data were collected through IPU research and ask them to provide additional data

Quality control

  • Develop and implement quality control procedures for the data already in the data store
  • Ensure the quality of the data collected as part of this consultancy
  • Follow-up with parliaments to clarify and correct as necessary
  • Input the final verified data in the online data store
  • Maintain a tracking file indicating the status of data collection for all parliaments (template to be provided by IPU)
  • Report back to IPU regularly on progress, problems and upcoming issues (template to be provided by IPU)

Deliverables and milestones

The Researcher’s main deliverables are:

1. A short paper on strategy for further data collection and quality control (two pages maximum)
2. Completed data sets, including notably data for:
   a. Parliaments that have not responded to previous questionnaires (between 10 and 20 parliaments, depending on the questionnaires)
   b. Parliaments for which IPU has collected partial responses to previous questionnaires (around 20 per cent  of parliaments)
   c. Parliaments in countries which have been through major constitutional or political changes
   d. Other gaps in the data set
3. Documented quality control procedures, covering notably:
     a. existing data in the temporary data store
     b. additional data collected during the consultancy
4. Data inputted in the temporary data store after quality control
5. Electronic archive of communications with parliaments
6. Weekly progress reports to IPU
7. Daily updates to the tracking file


The consultancy is for up to a maximum of 80 days of work between November 2016 and June 2017. The estimated volume of work is around 10 days per month, though this may vary according to the period and activities.

The consultancy should start by 21 November 2016 and be completed by 30 June 2017.

Location and working arrangements

The work will be home-based. IPU will pay for the consultant to travel to Geneva for occasional working meetings as necessary. The work will be done under the overall responsibility of the IPU’s Research and Database Officer.

The work will involve frequent communication with parliaments, IPU staff and other people. IPU will provide the Researcher with an IPU e-mail address; contact details for all parliaments; feedback and advice on problems throughout the consultancy.


Payment will be made monthly, upon receipt of an invoice for the number of days worked, dependent on completion of the work to the satisfaction of the IPU.



  • Master’s Degree in international relations, political science or other relevant social science or development studies.


  • At least three (3) years relevant working experience in research and/or comparative study in politics, parliaments or political affairs
  • Good knowledge on parliaments and parliamentary affairs
  • Demonstrated experience in working with large datasets

Language Requirements:  

  • Fluency in English
  • Ability to read and write proficiently in French
  • Knowledge of other languages, particularly Spanish or Arabic, is an asset