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Request for Proposals: 130th IPU Anniversary Book

1. Background

The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) is the world's organization of parliaments. It was founded in 1889 as the first multilateral political organization, encouraging cooperation and dialogue between all nations. Today, the IPU’s membership comprises 179 Member Parliaments and 12 Associate Members. It promotes democracy, helps parliaments to become stronger, younger, gender-balanced, and more diverse. It also defends the human rights of parliamentarians. Twice a year, the IPU convenes over 1500 delegates and MPs in a world assembly, bringing a parliamentary dimension to the work of the United Nations and the implementation of the 2030 global goals.

The IPU is celebrating its 130th anniversary in 2019. As part of the anniversary celebrations, a book is planned to celebrate the key achievements of the IPU as well as to include content from each of the 179 IPU Member Parliaments.

2. Overview

The supplier will be asked to coordinate and compile editorial content from IPU stakeholders and its 179 Member Parliaments as well as edit, translate, design, print and deliver the book to the IPU.

The anniversary book should outline a serious political approach communicating what the IPU is and how to build a more democratic world. The following are questions that can be proposed to Member Parliaments: How do we want to see the IPU in the coming years? What defines us? What commits us? Where do we go from here? Parliaments may also share their best practices or any distinguishing features that make their parliament more effective.

The supplier should also guide IPU leadership in refining the overall editorial concept behind the book.

The content should be in the official languages of the IPU, namely English and French. Countries may request that the book is translated into their own languages at an extra cost. 

Proposed structure


# of pages

Foreword from IPU Leadership + content from Forum of Young MPs and Forum of Women MPs 


Telling the story of the IPU with its key achievements linking to its work today


Member parliament contributions (179 x 2 pages each)




The IPU has a rich archive of its 130 years of history containing some documents and photographs that the supplier may access to produce the book.

Technical considerations

  • Number of pages approximated 400 pages
  • Introduction from leadership and history pages from IPU archives
  • 2 pages from each Parliament
  • Editing all contributions
  • Copy-editing all contributions including translations
  • Selecting and adjust photographic images and visuals
  • Full-color cover, b/w interior, trimmed size 16.5cms x 21cms
  • Printing proposals for 1000, 2000 and 3000 paperback copies split between English and French
  • Downloadable version in PDF Format
  • Delivery to IPU headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland

3. Scope of work

3.1 Coordination

  • Overall coordination of the editorial concept and project
  • Compilation of the texts to be published from IPU leadership, archives and the 179 Member Parliaments, all of which will be delivered in English or French.

3.2 Editing and translation

  • Editing of all texts
  • Proof-reading of all texts
  • Translation from English to French and French to English  

3.3 Visuals

  • Selection of high resolution visuals
  • Compilation of visuals from Member Parliaments and IPU archives

3.4 Design

  • Lay-out of the content both texts and visuals
  • Lay-out of cover

3.5 Printing

  • Preparation of high resolution files for printing
  • Responsible for print-run and quality control
  • Suppliers should include a printing proposal for 1000, 2000 and 3000 copies

3.6 Delivery

  • Final delivery of printed copies to IPU Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland

4. Project Timeline

Proposals should be submitted no later than: 30 September 2019.

Proposals will be evaluated thereafter and the supplier chosen shortly after.

Suppliers should provide the earliest and most realistic final delivery date in their proposals.

5. Content of response

Proposals should contain the following: 

  • Your company’s qualifications, credentials and bios of core team
  • Brief narrative to describe how you would approach the project
  • Three case studies demonstrating similar experience
  • Outline of proposed process with schedule
  • Cost proposal with breakdown of Sections 3.1-3-6 above

6. Criteria for selection

The IPU will evaluate each proposal and may contact the top proposals for follow-up questions or face-to-face meeting.

The IPU will choose the supplier based on the following criteria:

  • Experience of the company with similar projects in several languages
  • Technical expertise and flexibility to accommodate the proposed timeline
  • Quality of portfolio / past work  
  • Most cost effective proposal

An editorial committee, made up of representatives of the IPU’s Executive Committee, will guide the supplier in 1. Communicating with the IPU’s Member Parliaments 2. Assessing the quality and editorial value of Member contributions 3. Ensuring that the overall content adheres to the IPU’s values and mission.

  1. Practical information
  • Proposals must contain the signature of a duly authorized officer or agent of the company submitting the proposal.
  • Bidder must disclose any relevant conflicts of interest and/or pending lawsuits.
  • IPU will negotiate contract terms upon selection. All contracts are subject to review by IPU legal counsel, and a project will be awarded upon signing of an agreement or contract, which outlines terms, scope, budget, timeline, and other necessary items.
  • IPU will not cover costs related to preparing or issuing proposals. Short-listed candidates invited to interviews are expected to cover their own travel costs.
How to apply

Please send proposals to

Ms. Andrée Lorber-Willis, Director, Division of Support Services, at [email protected], by no later than 30 September 2019 (COB).

Additional information regarding IPU procurement procedures can be found in the IPU Procurement Manual.

No late or incomplete proposals will be accepted.
